Who we are:

staff headshot
staff headshot
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staff headshot
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How we act:

We're mindful people; we care about our earth, our work, and each other. Call it semantics, but our values are verbs because we act on them every day.

Be positive.

Think differently.

Design for impact.

Seek improvement.

Do the right thing.

Protect the planet.

Give back.

What we do:

charity auction event
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OPXhibition: Our Annual Charity Auction for Our Community.

It’s important to us to take a step back every now and then to appreciate and support the people and organizations making the DMV such a diverse, and vibrant place to work and live. The annual OPXhibition is our way to celebrate it and give something back.

A long night of great food, strong drinks, and live auctions, OPX raises funds for community groups in need. Every year, we choose an organization dear to our hearts to support – from City Dogs and Rescue to Rebuilding Together DC to ArtEnables.

Then the hard work starts: we spend weeks making themed art to auction off at the event. Whether the they're birdhouses, Lego models of DC monuments, paintings, or photography, OPX’ers flex their creative muscles in creating truly unique pieces to bring in cash for the community.

The night culminates in a competitive live auction where our friends, families, clients, and colleagues vie for the hottest pieces.
red nose day staff photo

Red Nose Day: Clowning for a Cause.

“To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Red Nose Day is an annual celebration of the power that laughter and joy have to unite and heal. Through the sublime power of entertainment, Red Nose Day is a mission to lift kids out of poverty and has raised over $1 billion globally in the last 25 years. As a yearly tradition, OPX contributes both laughter and funds to this great cause. We love the excuse to let go, have some fun, and contribute to a meaningful cause.

(And pies to the face. We love an excuse for that, too.)
parking day collage

Park(ing) Day 2018: Our first park.

OPX recently launched our first ever Park(ing) Day Design Competition. OPXers were tasked with conceptualizing unique and provocative park(ing) installations to be designed and built for this year’s annual event celebrated across the world.  

While creating concepts, we considered the following questions: How will this park embody the OPX mission: “We Make Good Companies Work Better”? How will this park engage the public? What will the afterlife of the park be?

The installation we built, “The Weave Pavilion”, was a grid of wires where we asked people to write their response to the prompt, “I could work better if…” on a sheet of colored acetate and attach it to the wires. At the end of the day, we had a web of ideas, requests, and desires all focused on what people collectively thought would help them work better. By the end of the day, our installation was adorned with dozens of colorful flaps highlighting what working better means to people.

We’re looking forward to next year’s installation as we continue to engage with our community and help make it an even better place to live and work.